ConstructSim i-model Publisher Help


The ConstructSim i-model Publisher allows you to create an i-model of the Virtual Construction Model (VCM) using ConstructSim Executive. You can then open this i-model in Bentley Navigator.

An i-model is a container for multi-discipline information published from known sources in a known state at a certain point in time. The i-model combines all the graphics and business data intelligence, as defined by the design application, into a single deliverable container for distribution. Because an i-model optimizes the business data, the result is decreased file size and easier navigation. An i-model created using ConstructSim i-model Publisher has the .imodel extension.

The i-model can be published from ConstructSim Executive using the Publish i-model for Review node. You can publish an i-model without performing the complete End-to-End Data Run.